How to sign-up

How to sign-up as a new customer.

First check to see if your company already has an account. Credit is approved on a company basis as opposed to a per user basis. If your company has used in the past, it will have an ID number and password assigned. Using your company's approved account ID will allow you to place advertisements immediately. If not, you'll need to use a credit card. Or, submit a company credit application as part of your first ad submission.

You must have an authorized Customer Login and Password to submit an advertisement to Candidate Seeker. If you have not already registered as a new customer then register as a customer by clicking on the  button. 

You'll be presented with the login page.  Click on Sign up here.


You'll be asked whether your company has an account. If yes, click Yes and you'll be prompted for a company ID number and password. If you don't have a company ID, click No and you can begin the registration process.

A page like the one shown below will appear. Fill in the blanks. Write your password down and store in a safe place. Submit the form by clicking on the Next  button..


 Registration Step - 2 Requires that you provide your contact information. Fill in the blanks and click on the Next  button..

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